Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Movement Of Labor Off Shore From The United States Essay

The effects of globalization can easily be defined and shown by the death of small town culture in and around the southern states. The term, globalization, is essentially a term used to make an ugly truth seem appealing and thought-provoking. When in actuality, it can be more easily defined and understood as cheap labor not burdened by employee safety and fare wages. The movement of labor off-shore from the United States was done for one reason , labor cost. This move was especially favorable for large corporations because mostly in Asia there is no OSHA, no EPA, and certainly no Union influence. My Great Grandfather, Frank B. Smith was born and raised in central North Carolina in the late 1800s. He enjoyed an upper middle class lifestyle and made his living as a furniture salesman, and then as a textiles salesman. During his carrier, throughout the 40’s, 50’s and into the early 60’s, he managed to put together a lifestyle that included building a home for his wife and son (my granddad Frank), and even had enough left over to take vacations to Holden’s Beach NC during the summer months. However, when the Unions came to North Carolina and started fighting for higher employee wages the company owners started looking east for lower labor cost to keep profit margins growing. It truly only took several years for corporations in the Piedmont area of NC to figure out that they would save money and increase profits by shipping raw cotton and textile machinery to China, payShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Offshoring on the U.S. Economy1154 Words   |  5 Pages Off-shoring is the establishment of business operations outside national boundaries. 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